Experimental workshop with Kites and other Flying Objects

Hi Birds,


We hope this summer has been good for you - this morning the first white powdered mountain tops appeared out of the clouds. With the summer holidays behind us we now head for the last weeks of "stašfugl - farfugl". Before the final farewell perfomance "the bird has flown" there is one more event on the agenda. See below...


Experimental workshop with Kites and other Flying Objects

Sunday the 31/8 from 12-16hrs an Experimental workshop with Kites and other Flying Objects will be held at Alda, Eyjafjaršarsveit. Open for all ages.

Participants will get a change to:

-          build their own kite

-          make ordinary objects fly

-          make a rocket

-          try out a variety of single and double line kites with instruction

The results will be shown and tried out near the old airfield at Melgeršismelar. For more information and registration phone +354 892 6804

George, Steini & Dķsa

Look forward to seeing you for a session of "aircrobatics"...

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