14.9.2008 | 23:13
"The Bird has Flown"
Don't forget -
goodbye ceremony and final performance brought to you by
Kristjan Ingimarsson and GOGGI
On the 15th of september at 20.00hrs ... Read Moreon the border of Akureyri and Eyjafjardarsveit (on the Akureyri side of the fjord).
The decor-ration is a variation on an idea (egg) that was layed by "LĶNA" and hatched out under "GOGGI"
Everybody is welcome - no entrance fee and light refreshments - let's lift our spirits upp...
Thanks for a great summer! George, Steini & Dķsa
To celebrate this event LINA became a sea-bird and drifts somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea.
goodbye ceremony and final performance brought to you by
Kristjan Ingimarsson and GOGGI
On the 15th of september at 20.00hrs ... Read Moreon the border of Akureyri and Eyjafjardarsveit (on the Akureyri side of the fjord).
The decor-ration is a variation on an idea (egg) that was layed by "LĶNA" and hatched out under "GOGGI"
Everybody is welcome - no entrance fee and light refreshments - let's lift our spirits upp...
Thanks for a great summer! George, Steini & Dķsa
To celebrate this event LINA became a sea-bird and drifts somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea.
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