10.7.2008 | 22:25
damaged goods...
The project of Aslaug Thorlacius has now been vandalised completely.
This time for some unexplained reason rather than someone looking for some extra money from return bottles. The milk cartons that were stil hanging on the plucked "birdlegs" had been removed and thrown into the nearby bushes. Is this the work of someone trying to clean up the countyside? See also Morgunbladid http://www.mbl.is/mm/frettir/innlent/2008/06/26/vargur_kemst_i_utilistaverk_i_eyjafjardarsveit/
A little bit further into the county at the Rifkellstašir-site someone has felt the urge to tear apart one of the playschool projects. One of the garbage birds was tail and neck broken. Not a very nice message to send to the children at Idavellir in Akureyri. "Luckily" there is enough junk to fix these kind of projects. So now we have a "Red-necked trash diver" in Eyjafjardarsveit.
Flokkur: Menning og listir | Breytt 13.7.2008 kl. 23:02 | Facebook
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