6.7.2008 | 20:09
Sound Installation
Tonight at 21.00hrs the sound installation "Fuglatal / Birdtalk" at Gudrunarstadir will be opened officialy. Some of the participants including two that are now in Iceland will do some poetry readings, read from their "bird texts" and perform vocal sculptures. Everybody is welcome for a sip of something wet to accompany these perfomances and the beautifull weather - once more...
Gudrunarstadir is just north of Kalfagerdi which is about 25km inwards from Akureyri on the east side of Eyjafjordur. Looking forward to seeing you...
Performing tonight are: Hilma E. Bakken, Jacqueline Fitz Gibbon, and Tonny Hollanders.
Participants: Buzby Birchall, Claudia Losi, Daniele Signaroldi, Frans P.V. Knudsen,
George Hollanders, Hilma E. Bakken, Jacqueline Fitz Gibbon, Ragnheišur Ólafsdóttir
og Tonny Hollanders.
Special thanks to: Ólafur Kjartansson, the farmers in Kalfagerdi and
spare carparts dealer Austurhlid.
Flokkur: Menning og listir | Breytt 10.7.2008 kl. 08:36 | Facebook
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