20.6.2008 | 11:42
Flying inn...
Events coming upp soon are a performance by Arna Vals on the night of the 3rd to 4th of July. Advertised more precisely soon...
A "Trash-bird" workshop (refered to by some people as found objects sculpturing). Place: Alda in Eyjafjaršarsveit. Date: 28 of June from 10-14. Price kr. 4.500,- p.p. (tools included) Open to: people 16 yrs and older or parents & spouse together. Teacher: George Hollanders. Materials: Old pallets, found objects (brought by the participants), paint and whatmore is needed to keep "things" together...Tools etc. will be present at the Alda workshop. For bookings and more information call George at 8926804. Bookings should be made before friday the 27th of June.
During this workshop we will work with old pallets to make Bird creatures that can be decorated to peoples individual likings with found objects brought by the participants and painted to taste. They can be used as garden decoration with a personal touch or be exhibited at a public showground for folk-art that has been set up at Hrafnagil.
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