Nordic wanderers on the move...

Yesterday Gunn and Helen opened their works in the Deiglan at Akureyri where guests were offered a light refreshment. A slide show of the works situated at Kaupangur in Eyjafjaršarsveit was played on one of the walls while guests came inn.  During the opening Gunn and Helen introduced their projects and former work aswell as the Fjell-festival in Norway.255_5585 Here are two shots of the two headed bird by Gunn Morstoel called "wanderer" and a woolen nest by Helen Molin called "shelter for lost birds"...both works relate strongly to personal experiences or characteristics of the artists. Today, friday the 13th, they will teach a workshop for children called "black&white boxes". The workshop will be held at the multi media studio at Alda in Eyjafjaršarsveit better known by some as the home of Toyworkshop Stubbur.


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