Before the Opening...

Here are some pictures of the opening of saturday the 31st of may taken by Karl Frķmannsson the head master of the Hrafnagilsschool. We would like to thank Karl for his kind assistance on the opening day and for these beautifull pictures that say more than many words. We would also like to express our gratitude for offering the school building to artist Joris Rademaker as a canvas and making the school facilities available to the exhibition should they be needed.

Here you can witness an icelandic sung poetry society "Gefjun" warming upp for their performance under guidance of Hilma E. Bakken...

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Also we had to blow up two hundred helium filled "Birds of Peace" for  the  final  performance at the friends and family proofed a great asset!








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1 Smįmynd: Žorbjörg Įsgeirsdóttir

Congrats to you George and all who contributed......the whole thing is awsome.......greetings from Bobba fuglagyšja

Žorbjörg Įsgeirsdóttir, 6.6.2008 kl. 13:54

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