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on the follow261_6139_593545.jpging link you can find more info about the opening...

Sound Installation

Tonight at 21.00hrs the sound installation "Fuglatal / Birdtalk" at Gudrunarstadir will be opened officialy. Some of the participants including two that are now in Iceland will do some poetry readings, read from their "bird texts" and perform vocal sculptures. Everybody is welcome for a sip of something wet to accompany these perfomances and the beautifull weather - once more...

Gudrunarstadir is just north of Kalfagerdi which is about 25km inwards from Akureyri on the east side of Eyjafjordur. Looking forward to seeing you...

Performing tonight are: Hilma E. Bakken, Jacqueline Fitz Gibbon, and Tonny Hollanders.

Participants: Buzby Birchall, Claudia Losi, Daniele Signaroldi, Frans P.V. Knudsen,
George Hollanders, Hilma E. Bakken, Jacqueline Fitz Gibbon, Ragnheiður Ólafsdóttir
og Tonny Hollanders.

Special thanks to: Ólafur Kjartansson, the farmers in Kalfagerdi and
spare carparts dealer Austurhlid.

Pictures from Arna's "Blindflug"


Blindflug - improvisation

On the 3rd of júlí Arna Vals will perform "Blindflug" in Eyjafjarðarsveit.

A vocal improvisation accompanied by the natures sounds of Eyjafjordur.

Place: The old bridges over Eyjafjardar river bridge nr.1 from the east side (vadlaheiði megin)

03.07.08 kl. 23.25
Estimated arrival:
04.07.08 kl.00.01

Arna comments on her performance:

"On the 3rd of júlí at 23.25 it is 45 years since I flew into this world.

A persons life is somewhat like a "blindflug" or improvistation and our mind and sences are the means of flying that we have to trust upon. The landing gear is not always perfect... sometimes we have a soft landing and sometimes we end on our stomaches.

 ... we were not born with wings like birds but we start to use our vocal cords as soon as we start to breath and a humans voice can fly of into the vastness just like that although our bodies stay put.

Improvisation = Blindflug

I would like to try if I can fly in Eyjafjardarsveit."


Icelandic original text:


Arna Vals

Blindflug í Eyjafjarðarsveit

Raddspuni við undirleik eyfirskrar náttúru

Gömlu brýrnar yfir Eyjafjörð
brú nr.3
03.07.08 kl. 23.25
Áætlaður lendingartími:
04.07.08 kl.00.01

3. júlí klukkan 23.25 eru 45 ár síðan ég flögraði inn í þennan heim.

Ævi manns er einskonar blindflug og hugur okkar og skynjun þau flugtæki sem við verðum að treysta á. Lendingarbúnaðurinn er ekki alltaf í lagi... stundum komum við mjúkt niður en stundum fáum við magalendingar.

... við fæðumst ekki með vængi eins og fuglarnir en þenjum raddböndin við fyrsta andardrátt og mannsröddin getur flogið og á augabragði sent okkur út í víðáttuna þó líkaminn sé kyrr.

Spuni = Blindflug

Ég vil láta reyna á hvort ég geti tekið flugið í Eyjafjarðarsveit.


New project pictures on...


Updates on "Varp" or breeding by Grálist Group, Claudia Losi's Hands (close-up's), The Sound Installation and what´s happening  with Kees Verbeeks ink-stamp-birdfeet.

The eagle has landed - solar powered sound installation finally works...

260_6003.jpg After weeks of "technical difficulties" the sound installation at Guðrúnarstaðir finally works...With the help from electrician Ólafur Kjartanssón, sponsorship from car parts sale Austurhlið and Ivar and Viktor Hollanders who helped to install the project, passers by can now listen to a new type of bird sounds. More specificaly the work and voices of:

Borge Bakken, Buzby Birchall, Claudia Losi , Daniele Signaroldi, Frans P.V. Knudsen, George Hollanders, Hilma E. Bakken, Jacqueline Fitz Gibbon, Ragnheiður Ólafsdóttir and Tonny Hollanders. A formal opening will be advertised soon...meanwhile this work, that is running on solar energy, invites you to fly by and experience this audio contemplation on birds...just remember - you can´t see it but you'll hear it!

Refuge for Wandering Birds - Athvarf fyrir flækingsfugla


One of the first works that was installed at the "stationary bird - migratory bird" exhibtion is by Áslaug Thorlacius. It was also the first and only work that was almost immediatly damaged (before the opening) and has been totaly destroyed during the last couple of days. The name and intake of the work "Refuge for Wandering Birds" suggests a contemplation about wandering birds and wanderers (homeless people). The work made of vacuum sealed waste collected by the artist during the winter months consisted of empty wine bottles and milk cartons that where dressed around two high voltage electricity posts. Giving the impression of two huge feathered bird's feet. Someone else however seems to have looked more at the economical side of the work and removed (one day after the installation) all the empty wine bottles and hopefully cashed inn the return money that is payed out for empty bottles at the local recycling centre. The milk cartons were left in tact for weeks to come - until now. We are ofcourse very uppset by this sad turn of events although the work has had an impact that relates closely to it's original intension. Since the exhibition has been very time consuming until now - and still is we haven't found a quiet moment to write down these thoughts. Since Áslaug has, understandably, expressed that she will and can not remake the work we will put upp photographs of the work "before and after the damage" that will be situated on the electricity posts where the work originaly was put upp. Also an explanatory note will accompany the pictures. Furthermore we contacted the newspapers  and hope that they will show this issue some interest. We can obviously think of many reasons why this work was brought to such a blunt and sad end. One could be the fact the the majority of people is very unfamiliar with artistic creativity in our direct surroundings - therefor a "misunderstanding" might have evoked certain behaviour that could have been different if the people that took the bottles in the first place had experienced a more creative and artistic environment during their adolesence i.e. at home, play-school and other educational institutions. Included are some pictures of the work "before and after"... 258_5864.jpg


Flying inn...

Events coming upp soon are a performance by Arna Vals on the night of the 3rd to 4th of July. Advertised more precisely soon...

A "Trash-bird" workshop (refered to by some people as found objects sculpturing). Place: Alda in Eyjafjarðarsveit. Date: 28 of June from 10-14. Price kr. 4.500,- p.p. (tools included) Open to: people 16 yrs and older or parents & spouse together. Teacher: George Hollanders. Materials: Old pallets, found objects (brought by the participants), paint and whatmore is needed to keep "things" together...Tools etc. will be present at the Alda workshop. For bookings and more information call George at 8926804. Bookings should be made before friday the 27th of June.

During this workshop we will work with old pallets to make Bird creatures that can be decorated to peoples individual likings with found objects brought by the participants and painted to taste. They can be used as garden decoration with a personal touch or be exhibited at a public showground for folk-art that has been set up at Hrafnagil.

Lecture by Nordic Wanderers...

Pictures of the lecture held by Gunn Mortsoel and Helen Molin have also been put in the picasa web album...more pictures of the artworks on display are due soon too256_5664.jpg...

First workshop finished...

Today the first workshop in connection with the "birdexpo" was held by Gunn Morstoel and Helen Molin. Children aged 7-13 from Akureyri were picked upp by bus (very environmental friendly) and ferried  to Alda in Eyjafjarðarsveit. There they needed little time to fly off into the creative world of black & white...here is a group photo of the young artists. More pictures can be seen on the picassa web album... http://picasaweb.google.com/stubbapix258_5862

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