George Hollanders a professional toymaker and Steini & Dísa from Gallerí Víðátta organize the outdoors exhibition "resident bird - migratory bird". You can contact us at stubbur@est.is and look at more pictures at http://picasaweb.google.com/stubbapix

Höfundar eru George Hollanders starfandi leikfangasmiður ásamt Steina & Dísu í Gallerí Víðátta. Saman skipuleggja þau víðavangssýninguna "staðfugl - farfugl. Það er hægt að skoða fleiri myndir á http://picasaweb.google.com/stubbapix
George Hollanders a professional toymaker and Steini & Dísa from Gallerí Víðátta organize the outdoors exhibition "resident bird - migratory bird". You can contact us at stubbur@est.is and look at more pictures at http://picasaweb.google.com/stubbapix
Mars 2025 | ||||||
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