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Nordic wanderers on the move...

Yesterday Gunn and Helen opened their works in the Deiglan at Akureyri where guests were offered a light refreshment. A slide show of the works situated at Kaupangur in Eyjafjarđarsveit was played on one of the walls while guests came inn.  During the opening Gunn and Helen introduced their projects and former work aswell as the Fjell-festival in Norway.255_5585 Here are two shots of the two headed bird by Gunn Morstoel called "wanderer" and a woolen nest by Helen Molin called "shelter for lost birds"...both works relate strongly to personal experiences or characteristics of the artists. Today, friday the 13th, they will teach a workshop for children called "black&white boxes". The workshop will be held at the multi media studio at Alda in Eyjafjarđarsveit better known by some as the home of Toyworkshop Stubbur.


Gunnbird(s) and Helen´s nest...

Today Gunn Morstoel and Helen Molin put upp their works beneath Kaupangi. I will not put in any pictures yet because the formal opening is tomorrow (see advertisement below). The works looked beautifull against the icelandic blue skies with a streak of white here and there. The two artists defenitly had the weathergods on their side. Gunn and Helen came here with support of the Nordic Culture Fund. We herewith express our gratitude to the NCF and also to the inhabitants at Kaupangur for allowing these two wandering birds to strike down at this site in Eyjafjardarsveit.

You can learn more about the artsists and their work tommorow in the Deiglan at 20.00hrs in Akureyri

Á döfinni hjá Stađfugl – Farfugl...coming upp...

Tveir  norrćnir flćkingar – listakonurnar Gunn Morstoel og Helen Molin - hafa lent í Eyjafirđi. Ţćr eru ađ setja upp landslagslistaverk viđ Kaupang í Eyjafjarđarsveit.

Fimmtudaginn 12. júní kl.20:00 verđur opnun og kynning á verkum ţeirra og vinnu í Deiglunni á Akureyri.  Allir velkomnir.

 Föstudaginn 13.júní  ćtla Gunn & Helen ađ halda listasmiđju fyrir börn á aldrinum 7-16 ára í Öldu í Eyjafjarđarsveit. Smiđjan heitir “Svart/hvítar öskjur” og er hluti af Stađfugl – Farfugl verkefninu. Námskeiđiđ kostar kr. 2000,- á barn. Norrćni menningarsjóđurinn kostar rútuferđ frá og til Akureyrar og efniskostnađ vegna námskeiđsins. Listasmiđjurnar verđa kl. 10.00 og kl. 14.00. Bókanir og upplýsingar í síma 892 6804 hjá George Hollanders.

Ekki missa af ţetta frábćra tćkifćri.

Two Nordic wanderers have landed in Eyjafjörđur - artists Gunn Morstoel and Helen Molin. They are putting up their land-art below Kaupangur in Eyjafjarđarsveit.

They will open their exhibtion on thursday the 12th of june in the Deiglan, Akureyri where they will also discuss their work in general.

On friday the 13th they will teach a workshop titled "black&white boxes" for children aged 7 -16. This is part of the "stationary bird - migartory bird" project and is sponsored by the Nordic Culture Fund. Workshops are planned at 10.00 and 14.00 and a bus will pick up participants from Akureyri. For more information and signing upp call 892 6804 (George).



The making of the Silence Birds

251_5133.jpgI would very much like to refer to the following blog site of Kristján Pétur ... it gives a very nice and personal insight on the evolution of his project...Congratulations on this one Kristján you touched a string...To the right you can see the finfisehd project and some "artificial bird-tourism"...


Projects on display...

249_4904.jpgYou can see the first pictures of the projects on display at the same website as below...also there are some picture s of the projects in process and some visuals of the guided bustour after the opening...To the side you can see "Krummavísur" by Margret Schopka from Germany...


Please visit the following site for pictures of the opening...

img_8947.jpgDue to a very slow download speed we have decided to  show the pictures of the opening on the site marked below...if you are interested please visit the site for some visuals with copy...


Steini & Dísa @ Vid8tta Gallery...

Filling  and  tying  the helium stuffed "birds of Peace"...IMG_8734

Before the Opening...

Here are some pictures of the opening of saturday the 31st of may taken by Karl Frímannsson the head master of the Hrafnagilsschool. We would like to thank Karl for his kind assistance on the opening day and for these beautifull pictures that say more than many words. We would also like to express our gratitude for offering the school building to artist Joris Rademaker as a canvas and making the school facilities available to the exhibition should they be needed.

Here you can witness an icelandic sung poetry society "Gefjun" warming upp for their performance under guidance of Hilma E. Bakken...

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Also we had to blow up two hundred helium filled "Birds of Peace" for  the  final  performance at the opening...here friends and family proofed a great asset!








Pictures of the exhibtion due soon...

I am working on publishing pictures of the projects on display and also some visual footage of the opening...hope too get this in during the next days...

Birds of peace...

After the opening we still had a lot of helium and balloons left. Since breathing inn helium and making funny voices is bad for you in excess we decided to use the helium for blowing upp the remaining balloons and giving all the children in the playschools that participated in the project a helium filled Bird of Peace. Unfortunately the helium hađ almost finished when we came to the second playschool "Idavellir" so they released 7 Birds of Peace and got 90 uniflated balloons for the kids to take home. The Children at Krummakot all went home with a drifting bird - see pictures.

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